Rhyming Game (Space Theme) This is an outer space themed rhyming game. Children rhyme words with Moon, Sun, Ring, and Star by placing the correct rocket ships on the matching board. This game encourages children to really sound out their word endings and look for patterns in the letters.
Martian Multiplication
This is a game for children who are working on early multiplication skills. Each Martian is holding up a math problem, and children place them into the correct spacecraft which has the answer. There is a blank version as well, so you can customize this game to fit your grade level.
Four Times Tables
This is a game for children who are working on their times tables. Children learn the basic multiplication facts for the number four, then match the equations to the answer.
9 Times Tables
This is a game for children who are working on their times tables. Children learn the basic multiplication facts for the number nine then match the equations to the answer.
I’d like to thank you for these multiplication games! My daughter struggles with memorizing mult math facts so I printed all of these and laminated them. We made a whole notebook. She takes 2-3pages out each day and places the answers on with Velcro. It’s really helping her. Now I have them to save and pass on to my two younger kiddos. Thanks for all of your work. I think I’ve printed and laminated almost all of your stuff.