Free alphabet file folder games. Letter identification and letter sound recognition is an important step on the path to reading. Take every opportunity you can to point out letters and practice their sounds with children, not just in the classroom but at home and on the road as well. Children will soon be able to pick out letters from a sign, and identify beginning sounds with ease. File folder games are another great way to practice and reinforce early reading skills. Our games are designed to make it easy for children to play alone or alongside a parent or teacher. Assembly for most of the games is self-explanatory, however, we’ve included short instructions and photo examples when necessary.
Alphabet Hearts File Folder Game
This is an uppercase and lowercase letter matching sgame with a heart theme. Children draw a lowercase heart and find the correct uppercase letter on the game board. This game is a bit easier then the flower game above as the hearts for both the upper and lowercase letters are the same color.
Alpha Animals File Folder Game
Children love animals, and these fun and colorful characters are fun to match up to their “First Letter” For extra fun combine this game with the ASL version above, and have a double matching game for children who need a little challenge.
Alphabet Matching Game
Students work on matching the uppercase alphabet to the lowercase alphabet with this free file folder game. This set includes follow-up letter formation worksheets for students to practice alphabet handwriting for both the uppercase and lowercase alphabet.
Hands on Alphabet Manipulatives
Use these free printable resources for young children who are learning to identify the letters of the alphabet. Using these simple shapes children can build each uppercase letter of the alphabet. This set can be laminated and stored in a folder for open table time. Children will enjoy making pictures with these shapes, and older children can use them with spelling words.
ABC Uppercase/Lowercase Matching Game
This is an abc matching game for children to match the uppercase letters to the lowercase letters. The uppercase letters are on the flowers and the lowercase letters are the circle playing pieces. Hint: Use a circle punch for quick game assembly.
ASL Sign Language File Folder Game
This is a file folder game children can play when learning the ASL for the alphabet. Mount one set to a file folder and keep the other for matching. Encourage children to make the sign with their hands as they go along. Find extension printables and activities here on our sister site.
Missing Letter Pumpkin Patch
This is a learning center in which there are missing letters of the alphabet. Children identify the missing letter and place the correct pumpkin back into the pumpkin patch. This is a great game to work on beginning abc order.
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This is my first time stumbling onto your site. I love file folder games and cannot WAIT to try these! Thank youa